Saturday, July 13, 2013

Going Colorful

So many people are going today for hair colors.  Some go for streaks and some go for total bleaching and coloring their hair. But then again, it is a pity how some people in an effort to be stylish make their head a riot of colors resembling nothing less than a hired clown from the circus. Sorry! 

The main point to keep in head before you go to the salon is your skin complexion. The head on your hair completes your facial appearance. Thus, you have to go for a color that complements your complexion well and goes with it. 

Indian skin color is more on the duskier side. So, please DO NOT go for BLONDE color on your hair. It is nothing less of a huge DISASTER! Blonde looks good on the westerns because of obvious reasons i.e their very fair skin. The thing is true not only for Indians having duskier complexion but also for those who are comparatively fairer. In short- going Blonde is a complete no-no for Indian women and men. Never even think of it in your worst fashion phases.

When it comes to streaks, we see people with green and pink and red and all bright colors. But then again, except red none of the above is really for Indians. People with really really fair skin can go for pink/green  streaks. It gives you that Punk feeling like Avril Lavigne. Red is still okay with the fairer Indian skin but stay away from golden shades. Disastrous! Ugh! 

Instead Indians with a slightly fair skin can go for Brown like the typical Henna in colloquial terms. You can also go for burgundy or brunette color. So, any darker shade color is fine for Indian skin -dark or fair. That is super stylish! If you have bangs, you can streak your bangs. Super cool! :)  But as a word of caution, if you are going for hair color make sure it is from a trusted brand. Your hair also needs care and doesn't really like third grade artificial stuffs. Going for too many artificial colors may damage your hair permanently and who knows you might have to go for a wig! :/

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